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Tuesday, May 13

12:00pm EDT

Queer and Trans Comics: A Roundtable Discussion
Tuesday May 13, 2025 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
Comics, graphic novels, and zines challenge several library conventions such as classification, material format, and bias towards textual presentation of knowledge. In their own disruptive manner, these materials can "queer" the library, complicating established paradigms and carving out their own unique spaces and user groups. Not coincidentally, many of these materials are created by LGBTQ2S+ artists and authors and queer and trans themes are often central to their content. The collection, preservation, and promotion of these materials are essential to supporting LGBTQ2S+ activism.

In order to explore these concepts more fully, the Graphic Novels, Comics, and Zines SIG and the LGBTQ+ SIG collaborated to propose a round table discussion at the 2025 ARLIS/NA Conference. With help from the co-editors of the ARLIS/NA Notable Graphic Novels Review, we plan to anchor discussion around a recently reviewed queer and trans fantasy-romance graphic novel. We have invited the author/illustrator, a representative from the publisher of the title (a radical indie publisher of comics and graphic novels), and an ARLIS/NA member reviewer from NGNR. This session also celebrates the nine years of Notable Graphic Novels Review by highlighting the collaboration between authors, publishers, and library and information workers needed to support this art form.

Guiding questions: What kinds of queer and trans possibilities are afforded by the medium of comics/graphic novels? What are ways that libraries, publishers, and artists can collaborate to support queer and trans comics? How are efforts to censor LGBTQ2S+ books in libraries affecting your work?

Elias Larralde

American Philosophical Society

Caitlin McGurk

Associate Curator, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
avatar for Giana Ricci

Giana Ricci

Librarian for the Fine Arts, New York University
Giana Ricci is the Librarian for the Fine Arts and Head of the Arts, Performance, and Humanistic Inquiry Department at New York University (NYU) Libraries. She has an MLS from Long Island University and an MA in Art History from NYU's Institute of Fine Arts. She has previously worked... Read More →
avatar for Tara Spies Smith

Tara Spies Smith

College of Fine Arts & Communication Librarian, Open Licenses Librarian, Texas State University, Alkek Library - Rio
Tara is also the Co-coordinator of the Graphic Novels SIG and Co-Editor of the ARLIS/NA Notable Graphic Novels Review.

Sylvia Page

Research & Instruction Librarian, UCLA Library
Tuesday May 13, 2025 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
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2:15pm EDT

Enhancing Engagement: Navigating Library Exhibitions Practices: A Roundtable Discussion
Tuesday May 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm EDT
Building on the ARLIS/NA Best Practices for Library Exhibitions guide published by the Exhibitions SIG in 2021, this roundtable will consider the role and importance of exhibitions in libraries and archives for engagement, outreach, and pedagogy. By drawing on the insights of a diverse group of librarians, emerging curators, artists, and practitioners, the session will explore opportunities and challenges of curating and presenting exhibitions in libraries. As libraries strive to connect to diverse communities equitably, how can library exhibitions engage viewers with different disciplines, experiences, and backgrounds? While the academic library is often viewed as separate from visual art, what are the alternate and potentially collaborative curatorial strategies when introducing new audiences to the spaces? The roundtable will include a discussion of the following questions:  
- How do the physical spaces of libraries and archives shape the viewing experience or expectations of the audience?
- How can programming, outreach, and other inclusion initiatives bridge gaps between the audiences, the intentions of the curators, and artists or content creators?
- What collaborative strategies can be used in exhibitions design between artists or content creators, gallery or library and archive administrators, students, curators?
- How can exhibit curation, design, and engagement prioritize supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion?
- Are library and archive exhibits experiencing censorship, self-censorship, or challenges of their content?

The facilitators include librarians and a graduate student with a range of experiences in academic libraries and archives, including art and architecture collections. The facilitators also have experience in exhibitions and contributing to conversations about exhibitions in libraries.
avatar for Stephanie Grimm

Stephanie Grimm

Art and Art History Librarian, George Mason University

Jiaying Dai

Student, George Mason University
avatar for Ashley Huot

Ashley Huot

Liaison Librarian, University of Manitoba Architecture/Fine Arts Library
avatar for Emily Eckstrand

Emily Eckstrand

Archivist, University of Chicago
Tuesday May 13, 2025 2:15pm - 3:15pm EDT
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