avatar for Salima Appiah-Duffell

Salima Appiah-Duffell

National Gallery of Art
Resource Sharing Librarian
avatar for Heidi Bechler

Heidi Bechler

Savannah College of Art and Design
Research and Instruction Librarian

Kitty Bell

Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens
avatar for Sarah Osborne Bender

Sarah Osborne Bender

National Gallery of Art
Head of Library Technical Services
avatar for Tia Blassingame

Tia Blassingame

Associate Professor of Art African Studies
avatar for Katelyn Borbely

Katelyn Borbely

College for Creative Studies
Technical Services Librarian
avatar for Anna Boutin-Cooper

Anna Boutin-Cooper

Westfield State University
Research and Instruction Librarian
avatar for Dianna S. Bradley

Dianna S. Bradley

Florida State University Libraries
Special Collections & Archives Metadata Supervisor

Olivia Buck

The Juilliard School
Digital Media Librarian
avatar for Maureen Burns

Maureen Burns


Pamela Caussy

Concordia University
VCR (Visual Collections Repository) Manager
avatar for Caroline Clavell

Caroline Clavell

Kimbell Art Museum
Head Librarian

Maren Cornett

University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Coordinator, Special Collections Cataloging Unit

Jiaying Dai

George Mason University
avatar for Michelle Demeter

Michelle Demeter

New York University
Head of Undergraduate and Instructional Services
avatar for Ana Diab

Ana Diab

Emily Carr University of Art and Design
avatar for Megan Dirickson

Megan Dirickson

NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center
Associate Preservation Specialist
avatar for Jenna Dufour

Jenna Dufour

University of California, Irvine
Research Librarian for Visual Arts
avatar for Sumitra Duncan

Sumitra Duncan

Frick Art Reference Library
Head, Web Archiving Program
avatar for Emily Eckstrand

Emily Eckstrand

University of Chicago
avatar for Melanie Emerson

Melanie Emerson

School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Dean of the Library + Special Collections
avatar for Jon Evans

Jon Evans

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Chief of Libraries and Archives
avatar for Anne Evenhaugen

Anne Evenhaugen


Kendall Faulkner

Cal State University, Los Angeles
Social Sciences Librarian
avatar for Shea’la Finch

Shea’la Finch

School of Visual Arts
Research / Instruction Librarian
avatar for Bonnie Finn

Bonnie Finn

College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Fine Arts Librarian
avatar for Amy Furness

Amy Furness

Art Gallery of Ontario
Head, Library & Archives
avatar for Lisa Gavell

Lisa Gavell

Publisher Relations & Content Curation

Isamar Abreu Gómez

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Colección de las Artes y Música
avatar for Lauren Gottlieb-Miller

Lauren Gottlieb-Miller

University of Houston
Associate Dean Special Libraries and Preservation
avatar for Stephanie Grimm

Stephanie Grimm

George Mason University
Art and Art History Librarian
avatar for Lauren Haberstock

Lauren Haberstock

Pepperdine University
Director of Genesis Lab Makerspace / Emerging Tech

Stefanie Hilles

Miami University
Arts and Humanities Librarian
avatar for Ann Holderfield

Ann Holderfield

Clemson University
Director, Gunnin Architecture Library/ Art & Architecture...
avatar for Ashley Huot

Ashley Huot

University of Manitoba Architecture/Fine Arts Library
Liaison Librarian
avatar for Dr. Heather Igloliorte

Dr. Heather Igloliorte

Department of Visual Arts, University of Victoria
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Decolonial and Transformational...

Stephanie Jacobs

University of South Florida
Assistant Librarian, Instructional Technologist/Blended Librarian
avatar for Caitlin Kilgallen

Caitlin Kilgallen

School of Visual Arts
Library Director
avatar for Lindsay King

Lindsay King

Bowes Art & Architecture Library, Stanford University
Head Librarian

Heather Koopmans

Illinois State University
Fine Arts Librarian

Jacob Lackner

Oxford College of Emory University
Teaching and Learning Librarian

Caspar Lam

Library Stack

Elias Larralde

American Philosophical Society
avatar for A.M. LaVey

A.M. LaVey

New York Public Library
Senior librarian, Cataloguing
avatar for Amy Lazet

Amy Lazet

College For Creative Studies
Digital Scholarship Librarian
avatar for Kasia Leousis

Kasia Leousis

Auburn University
Head, Library of Architecture, Design and Construction

Emilee Mathews

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Head of Ricker Library

Caitlin McGurk

The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Associate Curator, Assistant Professor
avatar for Meg Milewski-D'Angelo

Meg Milewski-D'Angelo

Toledo Museum of Art
Assistant Librarian
avatar for Chloe Misorski

Chloe Misorski

Cleveland Museum of Art
Cataloging Librarian
avatar for K. Sarah Ostrach

K. Sarah Ostrach

Rice University
Art & Architecture Librarian

Sylvia Page

UCLA Library
Research & Instruction Librarian
avatar for Claire Payne

Claire Payne

Rochester Institute of Technology
College of Art and Design Liaison/Librarian
avatar for Mark Pompelia

Mark Pompelia

ARLIS/NA Development Committee Chair
Visual + Material Resource Librarian, Rhode Island School of Design
avatar for Rebecca Price

Rebecca Price

University of Michigan
Architecture, Urban Planning & Visual Resources Librarian
avatar for Giana Ricci

Giana Ricci

New York University
Librarian for the Fine Arts

Viveca Pattison Robichaud

Canadian Centre for Architecture
avatar for Erin Rutherford

Erin Rutherford

Art Gallery of Ontario
Collection Development Librarian
avatar for Carrie Salazar

Carrie Salazar

School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University
SMFA Research and Instruction Librarian

Megan Sallabedra

Getty Research Institute
Digital Collection Development Librarian
avatar for Nicole Santiago

Nicole Santiago

Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Research, Teaching, and Writing Services Librarian
avatar for Giovanni Scorcioni

Giovanni Scorcioni

Facsimile Finder
avatar for Sonja Sekely-Rowland

Sonja Sekely-Rowland

University of California, Riverside
Curator, Visual Resources Collection
avatar for Leah Sherman

Leah Sherman

Florida State University
Visual & Performing Arts Librarian

Jackie Shieh

Smithsonian Libraries & Archives
Descriptive Data Management Librarian
avatar for Heather Slania

Heather Slania

Maryland Institute College of Art
Director of the Decker Library

Elizabeth Smart

Brigham Young University
Humanities & Media Librarian
avatar for Tara Spies Smith

Tara Spies Smith

Texas State University, Alkek Library - Rio
College of Fine Arts & Communication Librarian, Open Licenses...

Margaret Smithglass

Columbia University, Avery Library
Head, Exhibitions & Digital Asset Management
avatar for Annie Sollinger

Annie Sollinger

The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Digital Image Metadata Librarian

Carli Spina

FIT Library
Head of Research & Instructional Services | Associate Professor
avatar for Courtney Stine

Courtney Stine

University of Louisville
Director of the Bridwell Art Library
avatar for Jenna Stout

Jenna Stout

Saint Louis Art Museum
Museum Archivist
avatar for Taylor Strong

Taylor Strong

Savannah College of Art and Design
Research and Instruction Librarian

Ruth Thomas

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Special Collections Research Librarian
avatar for Kate Thornhill

Kate Thornhill

University of Oregon
Digital Scholarship Librarian
avatar for Liv Valmestad

Liv Valmestad

University of Manitoba
Art Librarian
avatar for Joey Vincennie

Joey Vincennie

Frick Art Research Library, The Frick Collection
Reference Lead Librarian

Morgan Võ

Pratt Institute Libraries
Critical & Inclusive Pedagogy Librarian
avatar for Sarah Ward

Sarah Ward

Butler University
Performing and Visual Arts Librarian
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