Thursday May 15, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Masters in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) programs teach students technical skills related to the field like the Library of Congress classification system, cataloging, and how to contest book bans. Unfortunately, not all programs prepare students for the job application and interview process. The interview process can be especially intimidating, with its full-day schedule, situational questions that can be hard to prepare for, and the tacit social element with its unspoken rules. Despite best intentions in preparing students for the roles they seek to fill, this gap in education can disproportionately impact first-generation students, students of color, and other marginalized groups entering art librarianship. Professional organizations like ARLIS/NA play a crucial role in fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the field by offering targeted professional development opportunities to address this gap.

This panel will address these challenges by featuring a group of speakers of diverse voices and experiences, including newly hired early career librarians and experienced leaders involved in recruitment. Panelists will represent a wide array of art librarianship contexts, including an academic fine arts library, a museum library, an art and design school library, and public library special collections. They will share their insights into the interview process and offer valuable advice on preparation and self-advocacy. Particular emphasis will be placed on response strategies, including the STAR method, as well as balancing behavioral and skill-based questions. This discussion will be followed by a Q&A session where attendees have the opportunity to seek personalized advice. Participants will then engage in breakout sessions where they will be given mock interview questions and receive constructive feedback from peers and panelists. These interactive sessions will help early career professionals refine their interview skills, gain confidence, and demystify the interview process.

Ruth Thomas

Special Collections Research Librarian, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
avatar for Heidi Bechler

Heidi Bechler

Research and Instruction Librarian, Savannah College of Art and Design

Kitty Bell

Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Zoom link

Attendees (3)

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